Where to use Ahmed grocery key in MW2 DMZ

by Ana Lopez

If you managed to get your hands on it, you may be wondering where the MW2 DMZ The main location of Ahmed Grocery Store is. It might be easy to find the keys in it MW2 DMZ, but learning where they are actually used is another story. So check out this guide to find the exact one MW2 DMZ Ahmed Grocery Store key location.

MW2 DMZ Ahmed Supermarket Key Location

MW2 DMZ Ahmed Supermarket Key Location

click to enlarge

The MW2 DMZ Ahmed Grocery Store Key can be found in the strip to the east of the Mawizeh Marshlands Point of Interest, in the center of card cell H5.

The Grocery Store in question is on the west side of the strip, right in the middle. It’s usually yellow, so it’s pretty easy to spot. All you have to do is go inside and the closed office door should be easy to find.

As always, be careful when approaching this area as there are plenty of AI enemies on the approach to the key location or immediately surrounding the key. Your best course of action is to approach with an armored vehicle – both for speed and protection – or jump in with a team that can protect you.

Either way, you’ll definitely want to take it easy because you never know what’s lurking around every corner. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re close and then being dropped by an enemy you didn’t see and sent straight back to the lobby screen.

Using the key will give you access to a wide assortment of different loot. Cash value items will be your most likely reward, but you can also get a decked out weapon or even a key if you’re lucky. Make sure you go to the nearest extraction point or your efforts will be in vain.

So that’s all you need to know about the MW2 DMZ Ahmed Grocery Store key location, give you the details on how to get there. Then be sure to check out our MW2 DMZ key location guide for a hub of every place we’ve covered so far in extraction game mode.

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